Red Clover (Trifolium pratense)

What a wonderful time of year to enjoy the fullness of growing and ripening in garden and field. We peel our clothing down to let our bodies breathe. We take in the full measure of sun and heat. If we are lucky, we have play time at the beach, lake, river, woods, mountains ~ and wherever else we love to commune with nature.  The vegetables and fruits have their own wisdom. We can kick back and relax.  Of course, with the heat and sun also comes a more intense energy which can sometimes throw us off-balance physically and emotionally. One of the best “wild weeds” we can have for balance and nutrition is Red Clover / Trifolium pretense.

Red Clover


Other names: Trefoil or Purple Clover
Family:  Leguminosae (it is a legume)
General Characteristics:  A hardy perennial; sturdy pink flower heads; sends roots deep into the earth pulling up many nutrients which we can consume
Parts used:  flowering top and leaf (leaf is less potent)
Key Constituents:  polysaccharides, isoflavones, salicylates, coumarins, cyanogenic glycosides, beta-carotene, B vitamins
Safety Factors:  ***Red Clover (Trifolium pratense) has blood-thinning properties. It should not be used by anyone taking heart medication/s or who has any kind of blood-thinning issues. Do not use Red Clover (Trifolium pratense) for two weeks before or two weeks after having surgery. (Ref:  Rosemary Gladstar , pg. 194)


Red Clover absorbs many vitamins and trace minerals from the earth. Red Clover contains the full chain of amino acids making it a great protein. It also contains calcium, Vitamin B complex, thiamine, niacin, Vitamin C, chromium, magnesium, potassium, nickel and phosphorus. This is a very nourishing plant!

Red Clover is considered an alterative, sending its medicine to various parts of the body simultaneously.

Red Clover is considered a blood and lymphatic cleanser; it is used as a remedy for skin problems such as eczema and acne.

Red Clover flowers contain phytoestrogens and isoflavones; Red Clover combined with Sage and Motherwort re-balances peri-menopausal and menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and mood swings.

For female bodies, Red Clover together with Red Raspberry enhances fertility (*may be used in manifestation spellwork or rituals involving healing spiritual wounds).


General metaphysical: Masculine, Mercury, Air
Astrological:  Primary is Gemini and Virgo
God association:  Babalu, Aye                                                                                                                                                           Goddess association:  Ochun, Venus
Applications:  Red Clover is used when bathing just before meeting for the purpose of arranging handfastings/weddings. The vibration adds luck to the union.


Two-leafed clover means a lover will return to you.

Four-leafed clover brings luck to whatever is lacking. A three day tincture of the blossoms in (apple cider) vinegar makes a type of “holy water” to disperse unwanted energies.

Clover honey is one of the most popular varieties. Eat a teaspoon daily to dispel a heavy heart and to bring sweetness into your life. The honey can also be put on your altar as an offering (name your purpose).

Recipe:  Recommended for magickal use to re-balance heat and intense emotional issues; can be made into a magickal infusion, tincture or tea:
2 ounces Red Clover flower
1 ounce Lemon Balm top
1 ounce Motherwort leaf
1 ounce Sage leaf

For some of us,  summer is a short and sweet season. For others, there is not much variance from the remaining three seasons. However you spend this special time of year, please nourish yourself in as many ways as you can. Blessed Be!

Special note: This article is for educational purposes only. The information is not meant to replace the consultation of a licensed health-care professional. This author and OCLC-CoG are not held responsible for the use or misuse of the information contained within this blog.

Herbal Rituals   by Judith Berger
St. Martin’s Press  1998  Pg. 173-170

Wiccan Formulary and Herbal   by A. J. Drew
New Page Books   2005   Pg. 194

Medicinal Herbs:  A Beginner’s Guide  by Rosemary Gladstar
Storey Publishing   2012   Pg. 192 – 196

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