OCLC Winter Psychic Faire

On Saturday, December 1, 2018 the Orange Country Local Council (OCLC) of the Covenant of the Goddess (COG) will be holding its Winter Psychic Faire. Everyone is welcome to attend this fundraising event that begins at 10:00 a.m. and runs until 4:00 p.m. Mystic Connections will be helping host this event. Mystic Connections Healing &…

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What are your plans for 2018?

This time of year many people are reviewing their past achievements, and determining their new direction and focus for 2018. What are your plans? Maybe you have a new planner for 2018. What are you going to add to those pristine pages? Reflecting on the direction you want to go and setting goals can help…

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OCLC December Psychic Faire Almost Here

The Orange County Local Council (OCLC) of The Covenant of the Goddess (COG) is hosting a second psychic faire this year. On Saturday, December 2nd, come be a part of the activities being held at The Dragon & the Rose in Santa Ana, CA. This new location is beautiful and spacious. The OCLC Faire includes…

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Covenant of the Goddess Questions Answered

In the second installment in this series, we will answer the question whether The Covenant of the Goddess (The Covenant) trains Witches and if solitaries can join. First off, does The COG train Witches? No, The Covenant does not train Witches.  Some local councils may provide public education as a service to their communities, but…

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Winter Psychic Faire Announced

The Orange County Local Council (OCLC) of the Covenant of the Goddess (CoG) is excited to announce a winter season Psychic Faire. Save the Date, Mark Your Calendars!   We will share more information as we get closer to December 2nd. Keep an eye on our social media.

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Midsummer Symbolism

While searching a specific topic to share for this Summer Solstice there was so much rich information it made it hard to decide. Instead, it seemed appropriate to give an overview of symbolism for this special time of year. We found the following information has been shared from Hearth and Home Witchery. Midsummer speaks to…

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What would your ribbon color be for May Day?

We’ve seen the colorful images of children and adults dancing around a May-pole wrapping colorful ribbons with each step. What color would (or did) you choose to add to the variety of color on the May-pole? Green: Nature, fertility, growth, rejuvenation, recovery, healing, harvest and abundance, prosperity, harmony, balance, peace, hope, home, plants and animals.…

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OCLC CoG 5th Annual Psychic Faire

The Orange County Local Council of the Covenant of the Goddess (OCLC-CoG) will be holding its 5th Annual Psychic Faire on Saturday, May 20th. The event will be held at The Dragon and The Rose, located at 2424 N. Grand Ave K, Santa Ana, 92705. Beginning at 10:00 a.m. and running until 4:00 p.m. there…

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Local Psychic Fair Set for May 20th

The Orange County Covenant of the Goddess will be hosting their annual Psychic Fair on Saturday, May 20, 2017.  This year, the fair will be held in Santa Ana at the new Dragon & The Rose location on North Grand Ave. Future posts will provide information on the readers, and events that are in the…

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