Psychic Faire
December 5th & 6th
Orange County Local Council (OCLC) is happy to announce our Online Psychic Faire!
In light of the on-going pandemic, we have decided to do an online only version of the Psychic Faire. To help make it easier for people to schedule with the provider(s) they want we have also extended the event from one day to two.
OCLC puts these events on as both a way to connect with the community and to do some fund raising. Every provider that has agreed to offer a service at the event does so as a volunteer, offering thier services at a reduced rate with all proceeds going towards OCLC.
We want to thank the volunteers for taking the time to not only to provide the services, but taking the time to learn the new ways of doing things.
You can find more information about our providers here.
You can book a provider here.
Readings and Sessions are for entertainment purposes only.
You will NOT have to miss the famous homemade tamales usually available at our Psychic Faire
OUR FAVORITE HOMEMADE TAMALES will be available to order in the following flavors:
- Chicken
- Vegetables
- Cheese
Please request homemade Jalapeno Sauce - EITHER Mild -OR- Hot
Please contact Roxana Leiva at 714-643-4746 to place an order.
Information at a Glance
What: OCLC December Psychic Faire
When: December 5th & 6th
Where: Online